The worst interview ever!

4 min readMar 15, 2019


Have you happened to find a job? If you do then I am gonna tell you my stories.

It happened during a hot weather season in a sunny day. I received an email asking if I can come down for interview. I can’t. Because I live in other part of country. I ask the person if she want to interview via video call and she said it is better to interview face to face, but I said I can’t, because why would I go to other country for just only one interview. I gotta wait for more interviews. The airlines ticket is expensive and I still have a job to do.

Few days later, she asked me via WhatsApp if she can do via video call. That means she take my suggestions. So we did video call, all went well except the time when she have to record the entire interview process and I think it is really odd yet I get to be on 2nd interview.

So I bought the ticket and I also got few more interview the week when she called. I went to the company just to be fill out form and didn’t manage to see the person whom interview me via video call. Her colleague ask few question, and she seems quite friendly.

She asked me if I can come down tomorrow for 2nd interview with the boss. Of course, I want. What I thought will be happened during the 2nd interview is face to face with the lady boss in her office room.

The day come.. what I just thought about didn’t happened. Instead, I been interviewed with lots of people, like 4 of them. It does kill my mood immediately. The question that they ask is repetitive. They even asked me to answer some personalities quiz.

The HR manager looking off to my earring and jade necklace that my parents gave to me after my aunt, her husband and my cousin died during the airplane crash. To keep me safe, because bad things keep happening. My brother suffer from glaucoma, even my eyes pressure is high. We are chinese so we believe that having a jade pendant will keep you safe.

I was really reluctant to continue. The second is with a girl that actually sit in front of the lady boss office and she also keep looking at the jade pendant. I have my own assumptions that her salary is not so good. The pay probably low and she seems really young. She asked me ‘what makes me want to hire you?”

Then, I said “I cannot influence you to hire me, you can take a look up my resume and the way I answer your question”

It’s so obvious that I am really getting lazy, and I know that they have less candidate than wanted to work there and lot’s of staff that wanted to resign.

Finally the lady boss turned. She asked me several questions regarding personalities. Whether I am confidence or not. I am lazy so I keep my mouth shut. This is not going to be good. I feel like I am a prisoner and I already done some nasty stuff even before I go to work.

There is probation period for 3–6 month, you can replace anyone who doesn’t done any good job whatsoever. Beside my career background will be bad, if I were not going to do 100% of the work.

When she asked me if I gonna do my job with passion? I answered her “Of course, I will. Beside if I going to get fire immediately after probation that also affect my reputation and career backgrounds, why would I do such a silly things? Involving myself in such a dangerous situations”


She went silent, and asked me to go out and wait for the head of sales. After all this happened, I think back that this is not worth to fight. This is not worth it.

It never worth it.

Just for your note, I was applying for sales role. I worked in legal office, and I went to interview of almost all legal company in this country but I never been treated like I was a criminal before.

Always always been treated very kindly. They also professional even press the lift and open the door for me.

Anyway, sometimes how company treat their staff, they will reflect it with their action and behaviour. So, if you go for interview, try to look after the action of the staff. If they are professional then it is worth to work there, because it will train to perform better.

If they are not treating you any better, that means the competition is high, or they just get worst treatment from the upper position.

I went back home and read review about this company. I see 11 review with 2–3 star only and more cons than pros. Some even say that the benefit is so little. It’s almost nothing.

Have you ever went to the interview and being treated so badly?

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Written by FELICCINE

Writing since 2014 | Social media: @feliccine | Ask me to write 🖊:

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