Q&A: Getting to know me

6 min readMar 22, 2019


Hi guys, I have created Q&A section based on all the question that you guys asked me on and , also email. (Click on the BOLD provided to get in touch with me in the social media) that I feel important to share it on this article, so that lots of you will also know, especially those who want to start blogging.

Let’s get started:

1. What inspired me for blogging? and what kind of motivation that I held up till now? Did I even want to quite doing sponsorship and stuff like that?

My biggest inspiration is writing. I love spending time typing on social media, especially when Twitter is booming last time. I can’t get away from the platform, I always manage to type something that actually just talking how my mood is, and how is my day till one day google created blogspot and then WordPress popped out. I don’t have time at that time and didn’t pursue my writing passion up till I moved to Singapore. I did wanna quite blogging ever since I feel that I don’t earn much from this platform, people throw me free products and I feel that my blog need to keep running. Free products doesn’t pay any of bills that I have to pay in order to run this blog, especially when I don’t have any stable jobs right now.

I really do wanted to quite doing sponsorship and stuff, except if the brands pay me. Come on! I need to eat something and I don’t wanna fake it here but most of the brands especially in Singapore and Indonesia doesn’t pay bloggers around, except for those who is manage by the agency, because the agency will surely asked for the payment.

2. Other than content creation, what other stuff that I do?

I doing a mentorship program and I will be creating my own E-book for those who need digital marketing knowledge and through information on building your social media from the ground, also building blog for business. Yes! I manage to monetize my blog without expecting much from sponsorship post

3. What is the biggest downturn in my blogging years? Any advice to solve?

When I feel that I don’t earn anything by making my blog into business. I was hoping much that brands will actually think me as a legitimate blogger that able to help them with their business but that’s doesn’t happened. Most brands, just want a free promotion and they resort in macro influencers.

I was thinking back then, I have to pay for all the blogging cost and even have to pay extra money to create a nice content, from the graphic to the ideas. One day, I feel that I have to appreciate my hardwork. This is all not free at all. I have to really make sure that they are not taking advantage of my hard work. So, I did.

Not all brands have cost to promote their own products, I can just SMH, if you have a business but no budget for pronotion, don’t run a business. People too need to eat, it is not all about you.

4. AM I consider myself as a blogger or journalist? What about influencer?

I consuder mysefl as a blogger turned journalist, because I don’t only writes on my blog but other platform too. I am also work as a freelance writer, editor and even copywriter. I work to provide consultation to people who want to establish their blogging and social media career. Am I an influencer? I wanted to say no, but I do post for promotion on social media, even thou not often. It depends on how people view myself but I mostly view myself as either a journalist or writer

5. What makes me want to start a beauty blog?

I wanted to start blogging about beauty because I have experience in beauty especially hair products. As I attended mny senior high school, I become a freelance sales promoter for Oriflame products. I indulge myself to beauty and I feel that I really fall in love to beauty. I wanted to be pretty when I was teenager, I tend to care with my skin and the way I look. I also love changing my hair do.

After sometime finishing my second bachelor degree, I started FELICCINE by all meas is just for hobby but it turned out people love reading the article and they trusted my review. So, I continue doing it.

6. What is my own opinion about influencer providing their review?

Depending, if they used the product and love it, then the brands engage to them to promote, that will be okay but most of the time that didn’t happened they are being engaged by the brands for sales and they always give the result more than expected. That’s why they called influencer and for those of you who trusted influencer, and then find out it just doesn’t work that way or these influencer can’t be trusted. All you can do is blaming yourself. It is a worldwide knowledge that influencer means sales and profit to the business. The business who ask influencer to provide review, they are never have to be trusted.

This influencer things happening to widen our perspective of what advertisement should have be.

7. What do I think to people who earn money through social media or content curation?

I feel that it is the way that we all wanted to say that office job is boring and we all our own boss. I feel thankful because in this recession era, people are getting fired so easily. Doesn’t earned much when inflation is always goes up. So, these platform are the way they can fullfilled to pay more than just their own bills, to be able to feel what life is.

To be honest, up till now I don’t even get a job and I bet that you guys also know what it is like to attend for interview. Those boring questions, snobbish HR people and boss that you could never satisfy and throwing question that you never get it right. Some people like me, have depression and anxiety, dislike to be put in certain situation that we all feel under pressure. So, this YouTube, social media and blogging is the resort for us to be able to pay our bills.

It never easy to setup a blog or manage a Youtube channel even growing a social media account. At least, I need 5 years to manage everything.

8. Do all of the above will be going for really long time?

This is the era of millennial and Internet is fantastic things, letting people who have no friends to have friends to connect and place to share our own thought and problem. It does let us become smarter, because on these days we can just share our experience via internet and people will going to respond. We makes a community platform. Beside I am part of millenials and I hoping so much that internet will never going to dies. sometimes I feel, people who cannot understand internet or prefer to shaming people who earn on internet. It is just people who cannot accept that their era is long gone

9. Do my parent support to what I am doing right now?

At first, my mom feels that it is just waste of time like an old person will think, but she is now the one who too excited about internet since she is able to explore the world and going somewhere with the help of internet. My dad always is the guy who takes all the opportunity even thou he does that this kind of stuff might be temporary, not because of the internet but because the person who runs this stuff, will going to get older and the creative ways of thinking will soon get slow down.

10. What other stuff that I want to share on your site?

More tips and experience indulging in lifestyle product/service. I want my readers to have more exposure on today’s lifestyle. The kind of things that we as a citizen of the world often indulge on it. For example: Cafetaria in Singapore, which one makes the best coffee? and how do I rate it

That’s all for today Q&A, send me your question on: hellofeliccine@gmail.com

Instagram/Twitter/Facebook: Feliccine
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Douyin 抖音: Feliccine

Originally published at https://www.feliccine.com on March 22, 2019.




Written by FELICCINE

Writing since 2014 | Social media: @feliccine | Ask me to write 🖊: Feliccine@outlook.sg

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