Hi all, I hope that you are doing great. I am taking time off recently because I have lots of things need to take care and I feel that it is necessary to take some time off from all online stuff. I am not young already, hahaha…
I have moved back again to my parent’s home b=due to this lockdown as you know that I have a problem with the airport close down. I shared the stories on Instagram stories @feliccine and also on my other blog It is been a pretty hectic life for me.
Additionally, I don’t feel well with the weather in my hometown, I just noticed it after I got wisdom tooth removal and then followed by putting my braces. There is an update for my braces on my IG stories. I share everything on my Instagram. That’s the platform where I can engage with people directly and reply to their DM.
Anyway, I got a new hobby — updating my mood and about all the stuff that I have done in daily life on Tumblr. It is really good for my mental health since I have the problem of being so nervous, agitated, and confident now. I need to get rid of these. I started by putting my braces. It’s been 3 weeks already and I am so so happy about the results.. yeaaay..
Another reason that I cannot update more often is because of the maid problem and I need to help my mom to cook stuff to give for our god and goddess. Next week will be moon festival. My mom loves to bake and cook, she thinks that it saves more of our family expenses than we buy food outside.
Living in Indonesia is totally different in Singapore where everything is convenient there but not in Indonesia especially in my hometown. We don’t have good electricity and water supply. Often once a week, the electricity off — especially when it is raining so heavily. So, I still need to do the adjustment and try to adapt
Another reason is my mood, hahaha.. Of course, we all have mood, sometimes I want to update and sometimes I don’t, especially during these weeks, where I been busy with my own stuff too.
I discover my new hobby which is creating an Instagram effect. Yeap, always love digital design. So, anyway. All of the long stories about my life can be viewed on all of these links:
Instagram @feliccine — it is all on stories
Instagram/Twitter/Facebook: Feliccine
Douyin 抖音: Feliccine
Email: HelloFeliccine@gmail.com