Have you ever be so worried about your details got stolen everytime you use your PayPal or Appley pay or even any digital payment? or maybe you just cannot access several website/apps on your phone? For example: Reddit is blocked in Indonesia and I have no ideas why, I just can’t access it. No worries, we got VPN to cover us with all access of internet.
“VPN is a Virtual Private Network that create a safe and encrypted connection over a less secure network, such as the public internet. A VPN works by using the shared public infrastructure while maintaining privacy through security procedures and tunnelin protocols. In effect, the protocols, by encrypting data at the sending end and decrypting it at the receiving end, send the data through a “tunnel” that cannot be “entered” by data that is not properly encrypted. An additional level of security involves encrypting not only the data, but also the originating and receiving network addresses.”
After researching how to access my reddit, tumblr and bloglovin accoint, I finnaly got the answer which is using VPN but there is a lots of VPN provider. Some of them need to pay and it is quite expensive, range from $20- $50, while other is free. Yet, as a cheapskate person, I want free and good. Therefore, I will only share with you the free and I think, it is good VPN provider. I will list down from 3rd to 1st by ranking.
4. McAfee — rank 6.8 out of 10.0
If you are someone looking to also secure your phone and sync all your data to your laptop and other devices then this is a good VPN provider for you. I try the anti-theft features and it does put on very loud alarm.
whenever I set on the VPN provider the internet goes really slow that I feels I better not use it. But, I cannot expect it since McAfee is popular for anti virus software.
3. BETTERNET rank 7.0 out of 10.0
They have it free and you can choose to optimal the location. It is so easy to just set on the VPN without registering your account but you better do.
To optimal location, you need to subscribe for a month around S$ 26.80. It’s also very slow for the internet to load whenever I set it on. I have less favored this VPN because I need to wait really long for this VPN to search the good network to connect with, it doesn’t help at all with the slow internet after I set it on.
It somehow manages to ruin my meeting when the apps automatically turn on and I have no ideas what happened to the internet connection since it affects almost everything. So I decided to delete this app.
If you want to choose the best internet connection with country servers. This is the best apps for that compare to Betternet which will disturb your entire connection even when you don’t use it.
Easy to use
The internet connection is good while using it
The subscription as low as $5.00
It takes to connect with the selected server but it does provide the signal for each of server in country destination
1. Phone Guardian Mobile Security rank 8.3 out of 10.0
Free, no need for email or social media registration and the internet connection is normal like I don’t use VPN at all.
Unlike the 2 apps I mentioned above. This one rather new and I saw it on internet as advertisement, so I still try to use it for couple of month to see how it turned out and if there is anything happened. I will be updating via this blog.
Instagram/Twitter/Facebook: Feliccine
RED 小红书:shishi3105
Douyin 抖音: Feliccine
Originally published at https://www.feliccine.com on May 22, 2019.