Hi travel junkies, welcome to my second blog post of travel tips. If you followed me on my Instagram, you notice that I recently travel to California and the holiday went so perfect. Today, I wanted to share all the details about how I apply for my US visa and how you can get yours too! Just so you know, I am not using any travel agent but my own two hands.
What you need to take note
Firstly, all the documents that they requested via online website. If you have a spouse or family staying in the US or you are married to American then it is will be easy for you and you will have higher chance to be accepted. US government know every little information about yourself, so don’t cheat because they know and don’t lie about your information.
Second, you need to contact the travel agent and asked them what kind of document you need to have in your hand, especially when you have no support such as that I mentioned above. For the first time traveler, you have higher chances to be accepted but again depend on how you manage to answer during the interview. The key to the interview is PERFECT ENGLISH — you don’t have to develop an accent. A well structured English sentence and punctual pronunciation, also with a good manner when you answer. BE POLITE AND PROFESSIONAL.
Third, you just gotta have income in a particular country and city where you applied for the visa. if you don’t then say ‘ g to your visa. I mean a professional income not illegal.
I guess that’s all the key. For outfit, US embassy doesn’t think you should have dress glamorously or way over neat. Just casual and polite.
All of the document on the US embassy along with all the necessary document, especially if you have no income and need someone to sponsor you, therefore you need all the necessary income such as the sponsor recent income letter (a year). This is subjected to any changes, so it is better to ask with travel agent.
Travel agent won’t ask you for money or engage in their services if you happened to only ask about the necessary document. Ask two or more agent because some agent doesn’t update for a quite long time for all the necessities.
Inside the US embassy
You may need to check the address of the US embassy, because sometimes they move to other places. Normally the US visa website will give the most updated address.
From this onward is my own personal experience during that time. I arrived in the embassy and have to give the security guard all my items that I carry, including handbag and phone. I can only bring the document, they also check the document by scanning it. Then I go inside the embassy.
The staff give me a number for me to go along as the number are called. in the morning, the staff will collect the document and telling me whether it is a complete document or not.
then I have to wait before my turn to scan my finger print, they also will call the number. so, the number is only 1 number used from collection of document, scanning finger prints and interview. There is a row for each of this destination.
After I scan my finger print. I will be called for interview. Since my brother is working in Us and my sister have already done her own visa application. My visa is being granted successfully, just by 3 question and I do have perfect English. Well.. not necessarily perfect, they probably check on my education and I graduate with 2 degree in an English speaking country, while one of them is Ireland. Just to let you know, if your visa has been granted, they will take the passport and you have to wait for 1–2 weeks before you can collect your passport. They give you a paper that say “Congratulation, your visa application is success”
Collection is available in other office for US embassy in Surabaya. They also can deliver to your home, with condition that your home is located in the area where they operated. For example, I don’t live in Surabaya, therefore I have to collect in the address given to me. My hometown doesn’t have any US embassy office or even office that manage all the passport to be deliver at all.
How is my experience?
There are lots of people are being rejected with their visa application. One guy did ask me how is my visa going. I have given the key above to have your US visa success. I will not be going to share what kind of questions and how to answer it because all the factor that I mentioned in this article that gets me the visa is just based on my guess. I believe that the US embassy has their valid reason to accept or reject your application and I do not know about it since I don’t work in the US embassy.
The things that I focus on is to answer with an honest and true answer with a polite manner without any justification or push factor from the words come out. I deal with the officer before, and that’s how my attitude will be. All you have to do is treat them with manner, not acting so pompous and arrogant. As I saw during the interview, this kind of behaviour leads to rejection. The interviewer lady asked candidates about their source of income but this candidate replied
I owned xxx store in this xxx road here. The store name is xxx
Since the room interview and fingerprint scan is in the same room, if you get rejected the other candidates will hear and know about it. Imagine if you are the officer, would you granted the visa? If I am an officer, I will not granted.
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Originally published at https://www.feliccine.com on March 3, 2019.