Hello lovelies, how you doing? I wish you are so ready with Christmas. I will begin my Xmas recommendation gift blog post soon. I am so excited to tell you my first experience of permanent curly lash. I have like few services to do this curl lashes in singapore.
First is DR. Lash Singapore, the impression that I get from this service is they are bound to no avail of promoting their services with involve of us (customers) to spend more and more money as I try to find few reviews about it.I think the owner didn’t really care much about reviews but keep pushing on the sales.
Second, The Prestige eyebrow and Lash, I have not yet know about this service but as I have done my lashes and see the places because suntec is so faraway from my home. My impression is this one can be trusted so, I decided to do it for my second time but… just scroll down and read my thought.
Third is Browhaus, as you know that this is well-know brand that always attached with The Strips Ministry of Waxing, and so far I have been always satisfy customer with The Strips, since they are in the same group of company therefore I only think positively that they hire the best people and provide training. I did see on career platfrom about their beutician job. Other reason I chose Browhaus is because they use less influencer to no influencer, compare to Dr. Lash. The more influencer that the service use, the more doubtful it seems.
“I decide to choose Browhaus and pay SGD 80.00. The result is brilliant. I love it so much and you can see on my YouTube channel below.
The process took about 1 hours, I went to do this with my sister so the beautician take a turn to do our lashes. i didn’t record the whole process because I am afraid that she will feel distracted and have no privacy over her services. not all people need free exposure, especially those who provide the best well-known service like Browhaus.
I will recommend you to do it either Friday or Saturday night, where you plan not to going out the next day because if something happened like skin irritation or swollen eyes, you can go to the doctor and claim the service. However, the good service provider will not let those problem happened, because they use the advanced tools.
I do it on Friday night 8 pm, after I shop and eat my dinner because I plan to go back home after that. The beautician asked me if I want to put eye mask, and I decided to put it on without second thought, also I haven’t put eye mask for 2 weeks already. They charge quite expensive for eye mask about SGD 5.00, I could buy a box of eye mask in drugstore but this eye mask could prevent the curl cream get into your skin. It protect your under eyes skin and let the beautician do their work easily.
First she put like a rubber for lashes, it looks like our curl lashes rubber and put it around under eyes. She also place tissue around the eyelids, in case the cream will get into that area. The rubber lashes is to be used for cream application and to prevent the cream goes get into your eyelids skin. The she begin by putting white cream first around the lashes and wait for 8–10 minutes, before she clean the white colored cream and apply the pink colored cream. Sorry I have no ideas about the cream name. I assume it similar to those cream curling cream.
Second, the beautician put purple pink cream that I assume is the curl cream based on the smell around the lashes and wait about 20–30 minutes. She doesn’t use anything like curl tool. After 20 minutes, she wipe the curl cream.
- No hot or warm water splashing on the lashes for 3 days — this means I have to wash my hair and face with cool water only.
- No mascara nor serum for 3 days
1. Why curl lashes not extension lashes?
If you are someone who want to have lashes extension because you have no lashes, then it is reasonable but if you have lashes yet you want to do extension lashes. I guess I will recommend to do curl lashes. I have long and thick lashes, not to brag but you can see on this link. I feel that I don’t need to do extension lashes since both have different purposes. If I do extension, it defeat the purpose that I have lashes. Beside taking care extension lashes is not as easy as what we all think. It similar to taking care of hair extension, which I have for 8 years last time. Extension lashes are attached in our natural lashes, therefore if extension lashes fall so does our natural lashes.
2. How long does it stay?
This is already 3 month, and the curl are starting to fade away. I guess it because I wash my face every twice a day and my hair with shampoo, also the use of mascara, makes me use the micellar water that function to wipe away dirt. The lashes are growing when I use lashes serum, when lashes grow long, it started to look less curl.
3. $ 80.00 for curl lashes sound too expensive for me.
It is expensive. From what I experience $20.00 is sufficient for curl lashes. I will be trying services of $20.00 for next curl and let you know again. Since every one of us have different reaction to skin. Therefore I will need you to pay attention to this:
“If you are someone who allergic to any kind of permanent hair service, such as smoothing, curling, and others. It best not to do permanent curl lashes, because the cream are using similar ingredients.”
4. Will the natural lashes affected by the use of the cream?
For me, it doesn’t affect anything but perhaps you may experience lashes fall. I recommend to start lookinf for serum lashes that suitable for your lashes.
5. How was the end result? Do you experience any kind of problem such as itchiness or swollen eyes?
There is no itchiness nor swollen eyes at all. I think those who have experience it before is because the curl cream is not suitable with the skin or the beautician doesn’t do it properly.
I guess that’s all for today article. If you have any question, feel free to ask.
Instagram/Twitter/Facebook/Douyin 抖音: Feliccine
Email: HelloFeliccine@gmail.com
Originally published at https://www.feliccine.com on December 20, 2018.