I have seen so many people study accounting but they cannot even work in the accounting department, while others study doctors but no passion to save people life but money. The only thing that keep them in pursuing the degree are a good life after that. They exhaust themselves. While some people have a passion but not given any opportunity to prove otherwise.
For example, a law degree student that can work as a lawyer in big company but since he doesn’t have any experience, most companies rejected him, even after they undergo an intern or bar examination.
I figure which career path that suitable for me is after I work in couple of different jobs to gain experience. I work in trading, wholesale-retail, legal office, logistics, and digital industries. It is so many since I do like to explore, therefore I suggest you also explore the career. Try to apply different kinds of jobs and then try to work in the company that you feel comfortable.
What is the meaning of ‘comfortable company’?
The company that I find comfortable is the company that teach me new skills and give me new challenge that I never done before. Because, these 2 elements will makes me feel want to accomplish something. It is like when you play a game and you want to reach the top score or you want to finish the RPG game adventures and see what happened after that.
It is like dopamine for me to ensure that I learn something while getting good pay.
And… the company needs to also have a good vibe such as friendly people in the office. For example, I have gone to interview in 2 different companies. Company A interviewer asked me if I want to drink, so I asked for water and her face and attitude changes into bitchy mood.
Company B interviewer gives me water in the table and asked me if I want another drink like orange juice or tea. The conversation turned very well with company B
Interview give you a first impression because you too have to review if you want to work in that company, not just for the company. The interview is meant for a discussion that involves 2 parties to reach the result and agreement. One party will give their skills and expertise in exchange for payment.
Mostly and should be if you want to work in the company but now is changed because of the economic downturn, therefore, the role is switched.
But these days there are lots of companies that act snobbishly, the interview even asked insignificant questions rather than the relevant. Since they got so many applicants these days.
With the low percentage of companies that offer jobs opportunity these days, that’s why this happens. They have so many choices.
The only things that you can do are to try to look for review at those job websites such as Glassdoor or google review or any particular website in your country and don’t get discouraged.
If you have no experience at all, I suggest you try to take job as intern or just job with low salary at the beginning and take the skills. Before you go for the medium to big company. At least you have experience before you begin to catch the bigger fish. This is what I do.
For me, if the interviewer treating me bad, I will just walked away without saying anything. I am not going to work in the company, there is no point I will stick around. If a company treats you badly during the interview that only gives you a hint of how the company treats its employees. Imagine if you get to listen to your neighbor shouting loudly to their kids. That’s their true nature, you must believe it.
Nobody deserves a bad treatment, especially when you spend 8 hours of your life in the office, while 8 hours for sleeping (total is 16 hours) 24 hours — 16 hour is 8 hours for yourself but this is doesn’t include the hour that you spend in transport, queue for food and others things. In my own calculation, I only get 3 hours to watch social media or my TV series. Then I feel that all my hours are for my work which is true.
I was last time try to just accept I was being ill-treated by a former employer and interviewer and I don’t think that it is worth it to sit down there and listening to all of them babble since I won’t work for them.
It takes one good employer to get a loyal staff that wants to work, despite a big salary. The work performance play crucial roles in given whether the company will develop not the hours of work that the staff spend. That’s why some small companies struggle to keep up while other smaller companies are able to rise.
You know why?
Because you can get a better salary in another company after you work in this company. The salary that the new company needs to offer you needs to be higher than the current company but if you are willing to take a job that offers less, then it is your decision.
That’s also why after several years of working, the interview will be more to discuss compare to your first interview that might be more like questioning your skills and integrity.
When I was first pursuing my first job, I was thinking to stick around but I was completely wrong about it. If you want to pursue your career, you need to have skill of networking and caree jumper. why is that so? because many people move to new company to seek for a good position and better salary also working environment.
You don’t want to stay in 1 company for the rest of your lives and getting just ‘that’ amount of salary. If you work with different company, your experience is broaden. The way you see things and do things will excel, thus will help you if you are planning to be your own boss.
I have 3 degree in total, most of them are different major. I study business and law. I graduated from my 1st degree when I was 21 years old, and then I pursue another degree in Singapore.
Having to finish all my education give me strength not to be bully in my office, since most of people in office are just graduated by O level, diploma or their local country — meaning they are not graduated in Singapore, this only apply for foreign talent.
What I can say? if you work now, and you only have low education, you need to pump up your background by pursuing education. Education always follow career trail, they are in conjunction to each other. Never believes anyone who say that education is not really that important. It is important but it is also not at all important.
For example: not all you study in school, will be happening in your company. My previous company doesn’t have admin officer, while the rest of company I worked with, have it.
The management is ambiguous, not even one that my uni teacher taught me is applicable to this company. I was really disappointing at that time because most work become jumble up and hideous. This type of company will increase a higher chances of office politics, because the management really suck and you as employer cannot do anything other than finding other company.
Well, that’s all. I hope you have a good time chasing your career. Don’t be burden by your expectation. All the best and good luck.
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