4 min readApr 4, 2020


Hello lovelies readers, thank you for always reading my blog even thou I recently not updating that much on this platform. I have decided to create an online platform where you can read daily during the Singapore lockdown.

Just a bit of my character. I am an introvert and yet extrovert. I am a very moody person in term of being introvert and extrovert, I guess it is about my ages. The older I get, I tend to realise that being indoor and having to do my own stuff at home is what makes me comfortable but I am a woman too. I want to socialize, going on a date, coffee talk with my girlfriends, dinner with my sister and shopping.

But I can do online shopping. The only things that scared me the most is when I cannot do online shopping during the lockdown but I guess they allowed it. Since food delivery are still running. Mails need to be deliver as well, the delivery man can just put the box in my front door and I can take it right after they gone but some may need my signature.


It just several weeks ago, me and my annoying co-worker having an argument via WhatsApp about whether or not Singapore will be doing lockdown. I vote ‘yes’. For sure, if the patient of Covid-19 increase the government will take counter measure to lessen it, because Singapore government work for their citizen not for businesses. But, my annoying co-workers said that Singapore is too much of business here and there, they won’t do lockdown. They will continue open.

I think what she said is somehow feel like Singapore government asking their citizen for granted and being ignorant but the fact that Singapore decided to do lockdown since the number keep on increasing is showing that the government really taking this virus seriously. I mean the whole world, for sure.

In other words I win the argument. Well, I am not someone who like to argue until I win but if it is related to fact like this. I mean not opinion without proof. For example: if we both have different opinion about coconut water taste salty or sweet. I think we just taking different approach. What I am trying to say if it cannot be proven, I won’t argue or never gonna argue, because it is pointless.

Anyway, I am totally surprised and shocked. Deep down I don’t want lock down to happened since I am now jobless again. I am looking forward to use my new camera, making content and going out. I also looking for a new job and was excited to attend interview. Beside I am just changing my look for better luck. I will share to you guys the reason I left my past job. It is horrible.

However, as one of human race. Of course, I realize this will happen sooner or later so might as well accept the fact that we need to take care each other well being. I just hope that this virus gone for good, and I am back into job seeker, because I feel so good and positive these days about myself.

So, I just wanted to share with you that you can expect daily content on DEAR DAILIES, even after lockdown and Covid-19. I plan to also release a full version of my side story during that dull job time.

As a small country that nurture with knowledge and information. Singapore is a well develop country with a great human resource. As according to Lawrence Wong (Singapore National Development Ministry) on The Strait Times, click here.

There are lot of meaning when it comes to lock down. For example Italy and several other countries have set out different rules for lock down. Even for Malaysia, only 1 household member can go out with specific distance.

I believe that Circuit Breaker also mean that we are in this together, we are fighting this virus together by staying safe so health worker can set their focus to cure and take care the remaining patient. We helping them by doing circuit breaker so the number won’t increase. I believe also the number won’t increase when we are together in this.


Remember to put mask, wash your hands and body. Put lotion.

See you on next article, I will share about ideas that you can do during the lockdown.

Thanks for reading.

Born in 1989
Skin type: Dry, dehydrated, sensitive, prone to acne and adult skin.
Beauty favourite: dewy finishing makeup and hydrating Korean /Japanese skincare

Instagram/Twitter/Facebook: Feliccine
RED 小红书:shishi3105
Douyin 抖音: Feliccine

Originally published at on April 4, 2020.




Written by FELICCINE

Writing since 2014 | Social media: @feliccine | Ask me to write 🖊:

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