Hello beauty junkie, welcome back again to my blog. thanks for subscribing to the latest update. I am so glad that this blog can sustain up till now because of you. I just have to share with you a quick finding that I recently discover during my jobless moment.
I shared a room with my aunt and she is over 55 years old, with her good skin. Then I peek at what kind of skincare that she uses. She uses skincare that is not as loaded as I am. She doesn’t even use all the sequences that I wrote down on my blog yet her skin is brilliant. One could say that it’s probably genetic but even if it is a genetic inheritance if one does not even put much attention. I think sooner or later the skin will turn nasty.
since we also shared makeup drawer together, I can spot one product that she often use, which is baby oil. I have problem with my tight skin, it is so dull and I am trying to find a solution to it. I started to go to the gym, because I thought make it my body sweating will result in a good skin. I even use SPA facilities at the gym, but the skin is still the same.
Then I brought body scrub, body lotion, and even all other body care treatment to the gym spa. It doesn’t resolve to anything. So, I thought making my skin fairer will probably solve that. As my original skin tone is pink fair, it is easy for me to make it fair yet it is still dull, additionally, the dead skin cell still remains even I scrub it multiple times a week.
I use this baby oil for 3 days and I saw that my skin is starting to glow naturally. It even moist my skin that body lotion can’t even done it. I use it again for another 2 weeks, and can see that the baby oil does makes the skin glowing in a way that I really want it. It also brighten my skin and protect it from radical pollution and UV too.
Yet, this is not gonna give instant glowing overnight like any other body oil with shimmering particle that will makes you feel sexy during your night out. This bbay oil is part of daily body care that you need to use. If you using this daily while adding shimmering body oils when you go on a date, that’s will make your skin even better looking.
As a woman myself, I want my skin to look extra glowing during daylight but using shimmering body oil may be way too EXTRA. So, I feel using baby oil will make my skin better looking. Since I want my skin to be fair, plump, and glowing.
The drawback of using baby oil is the body hair will grow pretty quickly but the hair will grow so smooth. I also use this around my vayjayjay and butthole skin because it exposes to soap that will make my skin dry. My family has a history of eczema so we are always very careful about choosing soap. We only use DOVE liquid soap because it contains moisturizer and less makes our skin dry.
I suffer from orange fruit skin around those 2 areas. My finding after a month of using the baby oil, the skin around those 2 areas become less orange skin. Perhaps I need to use it every time I finish my business in the toilet, hahaha…
You may want to try using baby oil from now, kindly apply after applying body lotion. It is best to apply body care and skincare in the shower because the room temperature will be wet thus will trigger your skin layer to open and get the benefit from the skincare that you use.
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RED 小红书:shishi3105
Contact: hellofeliccine@gmail.com