Hello lovelies, I bet you are enjoying your weekend and that’s also why you are clicking on this article. If you read my previous blog post of ALL ABOUT SKIN ( epidose 1) then this article will be the continuous format, because what I am about to tell you will change your mindset about using different brands or using way too many skincare.
It’s all about understanding your skin
Firstly, I will be telling you about my own experience from 15 years old me to current age almost 30 in May 31st. Then from that you can pick up and draw a conclusion if you happened to also have similar experience but I guess most of us do.
Understanding skin is like understanding our basic needs, what we like or don’t like and sometimes it can be annoying because when we use a product especially the expensive one and it is not working for our skin. We may suffer from disappointment, loss of money and time/effort. Then we started to look randomly follow the instruction inside, when actually the one who can understand your skin is only yourself.
I was 13 years old back then and already get my period. I know that my skin will be a mature skin once I get old. There are lots of whitehead and inflammatory pimples even up until now. the first skincare product that I use is a facial wash that my mom hand over to me and I don’t know what is that — I guess we all face this phase where our mom still think us as a kid and we don’t need to use that kind of high maintenance beauty products.
“kids doesn’t need to use expensive stuff that adult use”
I still use the mommy product. Till one day I suffered from skin breakout and ended up going to skin doctor with my dad. He gives me a cream for my acne and while using this acne cream, my skin started to heal yet it turned my skin to dry. Anyway, my skin is combination skin with an oily T zone (around my forehead and nose).
After moving to other city and I was about 15 years old at that time, I use L’Oreal Whitening set that actually work pretty fine with my skin even thou I am still suffering from small pimples but it is not as worst as the first time. I think that the doctor acnes cream does have permanent effect to my skin. I feel that it’s quite scared to clog my pores with sebum anymore, yet my skin is very slow to produce oil.
I use the L’Oreal skincare pretty long. To be honest, it just suppor to give a little bit moisturizing. It doesn’t hydrate skin nor does it brighten my skin. If you asked me if I’m going to recommend using whitening product for your acnaic skin, the answer is NO.
The makeup brand that I use is always drugstore makeup, because I have no money to buy those expensive high-end brand and in my era, there is no indie brand at all. I have limited choice of beauty brands since I lived in Indonesia and not all exported product that available in Singapore or US is available to purchase directly in Indonesia. I use Revlon, L’Oreal and Maybelline makeup. I also use Korean product which is Misha and Etude. Also, an online catalog makeup which is Oriflame. The other products I use will be Olay
All of the product is not non-comedogenic, oil-free, fragrance-free. While this element is important for me right now to use beauty products but back in my teenage years, I don’t have access to that product. I moved to Singapore after I finish my first degree and then after several months in Singapore, my skin started to break out again. This time is a big stone like acne, and this kind of acne is adult acne. This is still inflammatory acne. I guess the pollution and hot weather, also the hormone change as I get older.
I am back again to skin doctor and this time in Singapore. My sister visited this doctor before, so she prescribed me with tretinoin and differin gel. This is the time where I know that these two medicine is for acnes. Then from that onward, I use oil-free, fragrance-free and non-comedogenic products. For makeup, it will not sustain a long hour because several ingredients are being removed to formulate the makeup. I often do retouch.
I use makeup such as Sephora foundation and Lancome Teint Miracle. Nowadays, there is a lot of choice for makeup and skincare that contain all 3 element that I mentioned above. Also, a lot of choices for beauty products these days since there is lots of indie brands starting to pop out and they serve really good quality products.
My current skin condition is dry, dehydrated, sensitive, and acne prone skin. It is mature skin. I started to stop purchasing skincare from my sister skin doctor since it really expensive and starting to get to know what my skin really need. If you have similar skin like mine. These articles below may help you in choosing your skincare product and all of the makeup on this blog is reviewed based on my skin condition, so you will have information about makeup that you want to buy by typing the brand name on this blog.
After you read this article, I guess you will know and understand that using different type of skincare doesn’t mean it’s bad maybe it’s better because if you keep using the same skincare, your skin will become immune to the formula and then doesn’t absorb anymore benefit.
Using all makeup product must be aware of few ingredients that will make skin breakout, even using full coverage foundation from high end brands everyday, doesn’t mean it won’t cause anymore problem. Skin will be prone to suffer from skin breakout when you using product from drugstore, except if it is formulated without 3 element — oil free, fragrance free and non comedogenic.
Mineral base, hypoallergenic or anything that the brands claimed doesn’t guarantee anything, you still must do some check up onto their ingredients.
Always use beauty products according to your skin need. Makeup are only there to help enhance your beauty, for example: high coverage foundation are use if you are suffer from post acne scar or other skin problem that need imediate treatment but you cannot do it since you have something to attend too and need you to appear excellent.
Your skincare, her or his skincare is bound to each and everyone skin need. Your skin problem and solution doesn’t appeal for his or her.
Skin will always change, it maybe annoying to change all the skincare products even the sequence, but it is necessary if you really love yourself.
I hope this article helped you in trying to understand your skin more. Lastly cheap or expensive beauty products doesn’t mean anything, you still need to run the test, but since the beauty industry are really advanced these days, you may feel less worry from side effect or skin breakout.
Spill your tea and how your skin is gradually change. share with us what kind of solution that you have done.
Instagram/Twitter/Facebook: Feliccine
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Originally published at https://www.feliccine.com on March 10, 2019.