It’s been such a journey for me to finally let out my anxiety and heal it. After so many years, I thought that I always had my life under my control and get the things that I desired the most in life but when I hit 29, I suddenly discover other parts of life that I had never ventured to before, never walk this path before but somewhat there’s an invisible person who pushes me and then whispers
“You got this, just walk across this path and you know what you have been waiting for, the ANSWER that you want to know… walk dear, you got this”
My weak heart that’s probably, my greatest weak point. Tend to think everyone has a positive motive and no ulterior motives.
“Always speak with vibrant words and animated motion,” said my mom.
Forgetting that I live in a world where there are so many people with so many unique patterns. So, I decided to walk this path without knowing anything. Few people told me:
“This is what life should be, there is no honesty here.. we are living in capitalism”
“I will just use people around me so I can achieve anything”
“Is lion world, who is the strongest who will survive, so better eat your competitor before they grow out you?”
“Just accept it, people are all like that. if you meet this person here, even if change place, you will meet this kind of person just different name”
And after everything that I went through, I finally realize that IT IS USELESS TO HAVE ANXIETY feelings. it is not worth it, to sacrifice yourself for these people. Be immune to this type of situation, keep your mind straight and everything will just be fine for your own healthy mind.
There are still a lot of good people. These type of people is just delirious themselves, unable to think anymore so they become what those bad people want. They get affected, but you don’t have to. LIFE IS A CHOICE, it means to have a happy ending that you can create for yourself. Set that standard of expectations for yourself then you will be happier living in this world for the rest of your life.